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Hi Christy!

Christy Pearson is our Head of Central Policy, leading Voi’s efforts to support shaping good regulations. With her expertise, we’re able to make data-driven decisions and create hyperlocal proposals for service design in cities, which are essential to improving safety.

Photo of Voi's Head of Central Policy, Christy Pearson.

How can the service design help improve safety?

Through our operations, we gather data that provides us with valuable safety insights. For example, we analyse information about street conditions and accident locations to determine where to place vehicles, what information to provide to users and how to set up zones to maximise safety.

What are the most pressing challenges to improving safety with shared micromobility?

We see that the most severe accidents involving micromobility also involve some form of heavy vehicle. Therefore, a key challenge to solve is how to make roads safer for light vehicles such as bikes, e-bikes and e-scooters. This requires the creation of dedicated infrastructure, as well as interventions such as lower speed limits in inner-city areas where dedicated light vehicle infrastructure is not available.

Infrastructure has a huge impact on micromobility safety. Is it time for cities to roll up their sleeves?

We know that ensuring safe infrastructure for micromobility is crucial, and we see many cities are already working on this. However, in some instances, cities must go further and prioritise space for micromobility and pedestrians over space for cars.

This is essential to ensuring safety and supporting the decarbonisation of transport. In European cities, it’s estimated that about 50% of public space is dedicated to roads, so there’s huge potential to reallocate some of this space toward pedestrians and lighter vehicles.

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